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New Development Acceptance Process

This page is intended to clarify the process for new development and redevelopment projects that include extensions and or connections to the Clifton Water District’s (CWD) water distribution system. These developments are typically initiated through Mesa County or the City of Grand Junction and by following either the City or County’s permit review process, the CWD will be integrated into the overall project review. Many of the steps listed below are incorporated in the development process established by Mesa County and the City of Grand Junction.  

All water system improvements to the CWD’s water system from the plant up to and including the water meter shall be constructed in accordance with the latest version of the Clifton Water District Standard Specifications for Improvements and as directed by the CWD.

Below is a flow chart showing the steps needed to take a project from the design phase to the completed product. 

 1.    Pre-Design Meeting

A pre-design meeting with the CWD is recommended to discuss onsite and potential offsite infrastructure improvements required to ensure adequate pressure and flow for the development. The meeting is also an opportunity for the Developer’s team to gain an understanding of the requirements for designing and constructing water system improvements within the CWD.


2.    Approval to construct Water System Improvements

Prior to the construction of any water system improvements the following must be received and approved by the CWD:

  • Project Information Sheet.
  • Two paper sets and one PDF copy of final construction plans and design calculations in conformance with the CWD Standard Specifications for Improvements and signed and sealed by a Colorado licensed Professional Engineer.
  • Executed easement documents. Easements shall be in accordance with CWD Standard Specifications for Improvements.   


3.    Pre-Construction Meeting

A pre-construction meeting is required prior to the construction of any water system improvements. The developer/contractor must submit a project schedule and a list of subcontractors and material suppliers at least two business days prior to the pre-construction meeting. This meeting should be held in conjunction with Mesa County or the City of Grand Junction.  


4.    CWD Inspections

District personnel and or authorized representatives must be provided access to all work being performed and must be allowed to inspect such work at its convenience. Inspection and testing shall be in accordance with the CWD Standard Specifications for Water System Improvements.  Inspections must be scheduled 48 hours in advance.


5.    Initiation of water service  

Water service will be initiated after completion of the following:

  • Successful completion of the water system improvements including passing the required pressure and bacteriological tests.
  • Receipt of a Mesa County building permit.
  • Payment of the Tap Fee.
  • Execution of a Clifton Water District Water Service Agreement.
  • Two paper copies and one PDF copy of the Record Drawings signed and sealed by a Colorado licensed Professional Engineer.
  • A list of Tax Property Identification Numbers and addresses for each parcel.
  • An itemized final construction cost for the water system signed and dated by the developer or contractor.

The CWD shall supply all water meters. Water meters 2” and smaller shall be installed by the CWD. Meters larger than 2” shall be installed by the Owner/Developer’s contractor under the direct onsite supervision of CWD staff.


6.    Acceptance of Improvements

Prior to acceptance of the completed water system improvements by the CWD, and prior to the start of the warranty period, all inspection and testing requirements as per the CWD Standard Specifications for Improvements must be met, and a final inspection performed by the CWD and the Developer/Owner or their representatives.


7.    Eighteen (18) Month Warranty

After the development passes the Final Inspection the 18-month warranty shall commence. The Developer/Owner shall warranty all water system related improvements for a minimum of eighteen months against defective material, workmanship, and faulty design. The Developer/Owner shall be responsible for all maintenance and repair work necessary during the warranty period. If the Owner/Developer fails to adequately address any maintenance or repairs within an appropriate time frame per notification by the CWD, the CWD reserves the right to perform any work necessary to maintain and or correct these defects or inadequacies. The Developer/Owner shall be responsible for reimbursing the CWD 1.5 times for all costs incurred by the CWD while undertaking any maintenance or corrective actions that the Developer/Owner fails to complete in a timely fashion after notification by the CWD.  

The Developer/Owner shall indemnify CWD for and from any claims against the CWD and any damages the CWD may suffer due to defects in materials, workmanship, and inadequate design of the water system improvements or ancillary improvements related to the water system improvements.    


8.    Ownership of Water System Improvements

The CWD will operate the Water System Improvements up to and including the meter and meter vault as of the date of acceptance of the improvements. The CWD will accept full ownership of said improvements at the end of the eighteen (18) month warranty subject to the following:

  • Satisfactory passing of the Warranty Inspection. The Warranty Inspection is to be performed by or immediately prior to the end of the warranty period. If any portion of the Water System Improvements are found to be defective and/or inadequate in anyway and for any reason during the Warranty Inspection the warranty period shall be extended until the defects and/or inadequacies are remedied by the Developer/Owner to the satisfaction of the CWD.
  • Water System Public Improvements Ownership Transfer signed by the Developer/Owner.